Abstracts & Posters

Abstract/Poster Submission

Upload your abstract. Your abstract MUST follow these guidelines:


George L. Kent 1, Mary T. Watson 2, and Rick R. Smith 3  
1 Research Biologist, University of Ohio, Delaware, OH, USA 43015 (glkent@uoo.edu);  
2 Post-doctoral Scholar, Forest Health Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA 40546;  
3 Center Geneticist, Genetic Resource Center, USDA Forest Service, Cottage Grove, OR, USA 97424 

The authors and affiliations should be as shown above, that is, center justified and in Arial font size 10. Email addresses should be given for the corresponding and first authors only. The body of the abstract should be left-justified and in Arial 11-point font and is limited to 300 words and one paragraph. Abstracts should be submitted by March 8, 2025 @ 5 p.m. EST. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jill Hamilton (jvh6349@psu.edu). 

Student Travel Support

The Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee (SFTIC) wants to promote and recognize student participation in Forest Genetics 2025 – ‘Harnessing Genetic Diversity for Resilient Forests’ – a joint conference between the Western Forest Genetics Association (WFGA), Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee (SFTIC), and Northern Forest Genetics Association (NFGA). To promote student attendance and participation, SFTIC is offering fifteen (15) $500 student travel stipends on a first-come first-served basis to all registered students that will be presenting a poster or giving an oral presentation. Payment will be made to poster presenters at the end of the poster presentation and to those giving oral presentations at the end of the conference once submission of an abstract, extended abstract, or full paper has been made to the proceedings. To request a stipend please notify SFTIC Secretary-Treasurer Fred Raley at fraley@tfs.tamu.edu.